Registering your interest
If you are interested in offering your services as a supervisor, please fill in the simple web form accessible from the following link:
The Teaching Office will make the data from these forms available to College Directors of Studies and others who are looking for supervisors.
Please note that the Teaching Office does not assign supervisors. Registering your interest in becoming a supervisor does not guarantee that you will be called on to supervise.
Briefing and training
University policy is that all supervisors must be trained. Part of this is a subject-specific talk (given at the start of the year for new postgraduates), the key points from which are summarized in the Guide to supervision (see below).
Details of the various kinds of training, gathered together under the title An Introduction to Undergraduate Supervision, offered by the University are available by following this link. This includes an on-line training module which new supervisors are expected to follow.
The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CCTL) also runs courses for supervisors, including an on-line module which all supervisors are expected to complete. Goto
Handouts and other materials
Supervisors versions of handouts, solutions to exercises, past Tripos papers and suggested solutions to these are available on Moodle. If you need access to this, please EMAIL the Teaching Office explaining which year you are supervising (e.g. Part IA, Part IB Chem A, Part IB Chem B, Part II or Part III) ( Note: to have access to the past Tripos papers and suggested solutions you will need to complete additional documentation as this website is not to be shared with students.
Submitting your reports
To submit your reports and claim payment for supervisions you will need a CamCORS account: this can be set up for you by the Tutorial Office of the College for which you are supervising. The Chemistry teaching office cannot set up CamCORS accounts.
Useful links: briefing and training
- Guide to supervision (PDF document) *NEW* Moving Supervisions Online
- Training for supervisors
- Six Tips for Effective Supervisions
- Inclusive Supervision
- Course Guides
Other useful links
- On-line lecture timetable
- Moodle The VLE system used by the University
- Past Tripos papers and suggested solutions are all accessible via Moodle
- Center for Personal and Professional Development (CPPD)
- Natural Sciences Tripos
- The University's general guidance on plagiarism