By Friday 30 May 2025 you will be asked to indicate which general area or areas you would like to do your project in and for a list of your preferred project supervisors (up to six), in order of preference if you wish.

A simple form for you to fill in will be circulated by EMAIL, on or before Friday 23 May; you will be EMAILed to remind you of this.

The whole process of allocating students to supervisors will be overseen by Prof Bill Nolan, to whom all enquiries should be directed (

We will then try to match up students with supervisors, taking into account the available space and resources in different groups. Our intention is that everyone will be able to undertake a project in the general area of their choice, but we cannot guarantee that everyone will be able to work with their first-choice of supervisor. Clearly we want everyone to end up doing a project that they are interested in but, inevitably, some compromises will have to be made on both sides.

No students will be informed about which project they have been allocated until after the Part II exams have finished.

By the end of the Easter Term you should know who your supervisor is going to be for the coming Part III year. You will probably make contact with them once more before the end of the academic year to discuss any preparatory reading that you should do over the summer.

Please note that the allocation of students to project supervisors is done by Prof Nolan. Supervisors should not make commitments to take particular students except through the proper procedures.